Are you managing realistic expectations with your customers? By marketing honestly, having transparent sales conversations, and clearly outlining what our products and services can and cannot achieve, we can set the stage for a realistic understanding. This not only creates a sense of trust but also ensures that customers are aware of our capabilities and limitations.
Ryan Holck
Audience Engagement: Knowing When to Share Short or Long Stories
Struggling to convey complex ideas to your audience? Get tips on simplifying your message and audience engagement in this informative post.
Business Story Elements: How to Share a Memorable Story
When it comes to sharing your business story and how you make the world better, you have a small window of time to grab attention.
That means you need to be intentional about crafting the right words that will keep someone reading or listening.
The key is to share a story that makes you memorable.
Aligning Your Marketing Promises with Real-Life Customer Experiences
Recently, we had a frustrating experience with Avis car rental. Our rental experience was a far cry from the marketing promises that made them great and the historic Avis “We Try Harder” campaigns. Instead, the whole thing highlighted the importance of delivering on marketing promises with great customer experiences.
Super Bowl Commercials, the winners, the losers and top lessons
If the Super Bowl is a masterclass in advertising, then a big part of this year’s class flunked. While there have always been favorites, and some historic ads have missed the mark, this year was different.
This year seemed to have an outstanding group of ads that missed badly. In the midst of the mess I found three things that didn’t work, and 2 lessons to take away from the mistakes.